Thank you so much for reaching out to the Book Business Boss Consulting for Coaching to create, build, grow and expand your business.
The Book Business Boss Consulting services provides customized coaching sessions to meet your specific business needs.
You are visiting this page because you have had a conversation with the Book Business Boss Consulting Staff. If you have not had that consultation, please visit to schedule your free consultation.
The 12-Week Coaching Program is divided up into 3 Modules and meets twice monthly at the client's set time via ZOOM or Streamyard for 45 minutes. Each session is recorded and the replay is provided within 48 hours of our meeting.
Module #1: Vision and Clarity
Without a clearly vision, goals and objectives, we will excerpt much effort but not accomplish much or make little impact in our business, industry and world. Module #1 is designed to look inward first at the habits and world that the business owner lives in to make sure that when we will start the business on the correct footing and build on a sure, clear and concise foundation for intentional movement that will be strategic and maintain momentum.
Module #2: Product Creation and Offerings
The major goal for business is to be profitable. To be profitable, you must create something or offer a service of some kind that is needed in the market, marketed properly and generates revenue. What will you create and offer that is profitable? That is the goal of Module #2.
Module #3: Systems Set-Up and Launch Sequencing
Creating systems to be able to launch whether automated or manual, will enable money to be received and revenue generated whether the business owner is awake or sleep. The
Keys to a successful coaching experience:
1. Showing up prepared to work.
2. Do the work
3. Bring any questions, problems or issues with assignments to the set meetings and be sure to follow through with the previous duties and tasks so you will be prepared for what's next.
The Coaching Program is paid for via one of the following three payment plans.
6 Weekly Payments of $166.16
Once payment is completed, you will be lead to a Thank You Page and the link to schedule your first coaching session. Be sure and check your SPAM folder as your email server may not have placed our email in your inbox.
If you have any questions, concerns or problems with completing payment or schedule your consultation, email us at [email protected].
We are excited and honored to provide the services you need to take your business and life to the next level with the Book Business Boss Consulting.
If you have any questions, concerns or problems with completing payment or schedule your consultation, email us at [email protected].
We are excited and honored to provide the services you need to take your business and life to the next level with the Book Business Boss Consulting.