Welcome to the Book Business Boss
Consulting Website.
How can you get more done, faster and maybe even better? Get a Consultant.
A consultant is a person that you not only consult with about your current state but can bring solutions, systems and successes to take your organization to the next level.
The Book Business Boss is a Consulting Service owned by Julia A. Royston, an entrepreneur of 16+ years owning 5 businesses and 1 non-profit, author of 90+ books, publisher of 300+ and a consultant of hundreds more for than 16+ years. Do you desire to get the help that you and your business needs to have a clear vision, grow and even expand in this economy? Do you need to expand the message of your book into other products, services, merchandising, businesses, organizations and wealth? Are you ready to take your message, brand and organization to the next level?
If that is a yes to any of the above questions, let's talk about it.
Schedule your appointment at www.talkwithroyston.com. Let's go!
What are some people saying about working with Julia?
I work with Julia Royston because of relationship. I've published six books. My first book I published with a different vendor, and at that time there was not an opportunity to help me grow and help me become more of an author, to become more secure in what I write, what I do, my craft. Dr. Royston helps you become not just an author, but she grooms you. She helps you become who you're called to be, and that's so important and that makes all the difference in the world. I will always treasure the experience, the exposure, the growth, the learning, and the love from BK Royston Publishing and the Book Business Bosses.
Dr. V. Nettles
I have decided and blessed to be able to use BK Royston Publishing for my writings because one, the program, the business is awesome. And Mrs. Julia Royston is such an encourager, a help, an assistant, pusher and just a fabulous business woman. So I am actually excited that I'm working on some new things that I'm gonna be pushing to her because I have that much faith, not only in her but her business as well.
K.D. Brown
This has been an assignment that God gave me years ago. In just 3 months my rough draft is complete! When I tell you this has been strategic, so ordered by God..This profound process that I have been in and I'm still in...It's all for my good it's definitely for God's glory. . I'm so thankful for my publisher Julia A. Royston...who God showed me years ago through a dream. She has pushed me, pulled me, encouraged me, and spoken prophetically over my life about this specific novel.. If you all only knew the journey of me just getting to this moment, you probably wouldn't believe it! Now, I stand at the threshold of the next part of this process.. God, I just want to say THANK YOU! For this gift of writing.. I can't wait for the finished product so that I can share with the world.. God for your grace, I thank you. God, for waiting on me I just gotta say THANK YOU!
J Kinnard
The writing skills talk and exhortation was excellent, this is a dream come true, and I perceive the opportunity that is in my path. M. S. Brown, Cleveland Thanks so much for everything! I’m looking forward to learning more...
D Myers
Who is the Book Business Bosses Consulting Services for?
Authors with a book with a message that they are passionate about but also is marketable and in high demand.
Business Owners who need a book to go along with their brand or that will expand their brand.
Non-Profit organizations that need a book to be a stream of income and to support their mission and vision for the organization
Are you a self-published author who published a book but, it did not sell like you thought it would?
Are you an author who had your books really sell but now people are asking you to be their coach or mentor?
Do you need help with setting up proper systems, email marketing, preparing for speaking engagements and interviews?
You have a message for the world but don't know how to get it there? Let's get started.
The Book Business Boss Consulting Services is for you!

Julia Royston spends her days doing what she loves, writing, publishing, speaking and coaching others to Get Their Message to the Masses and Turn Their Words into Wealth.
To date, Julia has written 90 books and co-authored 8, recorded 3 music CDs and coached more than 400 to write and publish books as well as establish their own businesses.
She is the owner of five companies and a non-profit as well as the editor of the "Book Business Boss Magazine." She is a radio hosts of “Live Your Best Life” each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. EST and “The Book Business Boss Show” on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. EST both shows are on www.envision-radio.com and a contributing author to Envision Radio Magazine.
To stay connected with Julia, visit www.juliaakroyston.com.
To date, Julia has written 90 books and co-authored 8, recorded 3 music CDs and coached more than 400 to write and publish books as well as establish their own businesses.
She is the owner of five companies and a non-profit as well as the editor of the "Book Business Boss Magazine." She is a radio hosts of “Live Your Best Life” each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. EST and “The Book Business Boss Show” on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. EST both shows are on www.envision-radio.com and a contributing author to Envision Radio Magazine.
To stay connected with Julia, visit www.juliaakroyston.com.